13 Jul 2014

Room Makeover part 1

Few days ago my mother and I thought that it was time to give my room a new look. My (old) room is/was kinda small, colorless, boring and full of stuff which makes it look like a messy little boys room. Its walls are something between white and pure boringness so my mom and I thought that our makeover will include at least painting them.
During the planning our little makeover slowly turned into a middle sized room renovation that will include changing my little attic into a walk in closet!
So, yesterday was the first day of makeover-and it started with cleaning. As I mentioned earlier my room is full of stuff so I decided to throw everything broken (that I HONESTLY will never fix) away and the clothes and stuff I don't use are going to charity. The reason why I had so much stuff is that for me it's so hard to throw anything away (There's a little voice in my head saying ''You don't need that anymore, you haven't use it even once in this year.'' but then there's that other larger voice yelling over the smaller one and telling me to keep the thing I was about to throw away because I love my stuff, even if it's old and broken.) so yesterday there was a lot of feelings in the air. Result of this part of makeover is that I gave/threw away 2/3 of my stuff and my room is totally empty with only a few boxes. It's also going to be like that for a while, because the main part of the renovation is going to happen in the change of July and August when I'm in Hungary.
I just can't wait!


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