14 Jan 2015

How to make 2015 to be awesome!

At the beginning of a new year i'm always super exited and motivated and I always get this sudden urge to get my life in order. Still, it's important to remember that the great year contains a lot more than just personal success. I'm trying to make this year awesome by giving myself a little more time and by pampering myself . 

How to have an awesome year

Remember that you don't have to be good at everything.
 I think that everybody should at least once a year do a facial mask instead of doing homework. (I'm such a rebel)

Make special breakfasts.
 You can make your mornings more exiting by just adding some berries on your porridge. Search for inspiring breakfast pictures from Tumblr/we❤️It

Write a letter to your future self. 
I might sound crazy but I've been doing this as long as I can remember. Write about your goals or if you aren't a writing person just put something like pictures or your playlist into an envelope and open it after a year or so.

Visit a place you've never been in
It hasn't to be New York or Paris. If your budget isn't that great you can for example pack a lunch with your friend, take a random bus and eat the lunch at the destination X.

Take a lot of pictures.
Making/ordering a photo book doesn't cost that much nowadays.

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